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If you’re arrested for DWI and/or convicted, a DWI in Texas stays on your criminal record for life. Unless you get the record expunged or sealed, anyone who runs a criminal background check can see the conviction.
So, if you’re applying for a job or try renting an apartment, a check will reveal this detail. In this situation, you need to speak to a DWI defense attorney in San Marcos about your options for removal.
As soon as a DWI conviction is added to a court record, it is also included in your criminal history. As soon as this happens, you might face several challenges. For example, you may lose your commercial driver’s license (CDL) after a DWI conviction. In turn, your career as a commercial driver may end permanently.
In some situations, you may be denied financing for a car, home, or another large purchase. Also, a conviction can affect your social interactions personally and professionally.
That’s why it’s important to seek representation from a DWI lawyer if you’re stopped for DWI or you wish to remove the charge or conviction from public view. You may be able to avoid a conviction through plea bargaining or you may eventually seal or expunge a DWI – depending on the circumstances of the case.
The following information will give you a better idea of your options in this regard, but the best move is to consult with a DWI defense attorney immediately.
In 2017, a law was signed in Texas that allows Texans to petition for nondisclosure for a DWI as well as other specific conditions. Nondisclosure means sealing a conviction or removing it from public view.
To receive nondisclosure, you must meet the following requirements:
While nondisclosure shields your criminal history from public view, it will not completely wipe it out of existence. To take this measure, you need to apply for expungement. Expungement makes things appear as though the DWI never happened.
However, you can’t seek an expungement for a DWI in Texas unless you weren’t convicted of the crime. For instance, if your attorney successfully pleads you down the DWI to a lesser charge, such as reckless driving, you may be able to file for expunction.
If you happen to have other charges, it may be difficult to request an expungement. For example, if you were charged with a violence-related offense but were not convicted, you may not be successful in getting the record expunged.
Do you want to find out more about nondisclosure or expungement? Maybe you’ve just been arrested for a DWI. If so, you need to contact a DWI criminal defense attorney immediately. Contact Mendoza Law for further details today.
We are available 24/7 to speak with you
512.757.8830608 S Guadalupe St #103, San Marcos,
TX 78666, United States