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Have you been charged with theft in Texas? Even if it is a “minor” theft charge such as a Class C misdemeanor, the last thing you should do is plead guilty. Always get a theft crimes lawyer in San Marcos, TX to represent you to fight the charges. If you don’t, you face jail time, fines, and years of difficulty in your future life.
Texas separates theft offenses based on the value of the stolen property or services. In some cases, the type of property comes into play.
Theft is a Class C misdemeanor if the stolen property or services are less than $100. You can receive a fine of up to $500, but there is no jail sentence. However, having this conviction on your record may prevent you from finding employment or renting an apartment, so be certain to fight the charge with a theft crimes lawyer.
Theft in Texas is a Class B misdemeanor if the value of the property or services is at least $100 but not more than $750. A Class B misdemeanor also applies if the stolen property’s value is less than $100, but it is your second theft offense. If the property stolen was a driver’s license, it also is similarly charged.
You can receive a fine of up to $2,000 and be imprisoned for up to 180 days.
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Theft is a Class A misdemeanor if the value of the property or services is at least $750 but less than $2,500. You can receive a fine of $4,000 and be imprisoned for up to one year.
Theft is considered a state jail felony if the stolen property is worth at least $2,500 but less than $30,000. Or, the value of the property is less than $2,500 but it is your third or subsequent offense. Or, the property was stolen from a person, corpse, or grave, or the property was a firearm, ballot, or some kind of metal or livestock.
A state jail felony conviction is a serious matter, with a jail sentence of up to two years and a $10,000 fine. You also can be charged with a third-degree theft felony if you used a deadly weapon when the crime was committed.
The property’s value was $30,000 or more but not more than $150,000. You can get two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
The property value was $150,000 or more but less than $300,000. You can get two to 20 years in prison or a fine of up to $10,000.
Theft is a first-degree felony if the property was worth $300,000 or more. You can get five to 99 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
“It’s not my job to judge my clients, it’s my job to ensure their constitutional rights are protected and to provide them with a fair and just defense.”
David A. Mendoza
David A. Mendoza
Were you charged recently with theft in San Marcos? This serious charge in Texas can result in a stiff fine, jail time, and damage to your future. Having a theft conviction on your record can be devastating, so contact our theft crimes lawyer in San Marcos, Tx immediately for legal assistance.
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I was very pleased with Mr. Mendoza as my attorney. With the stress that came from my recent car wreck, Mr. Mendoza was awesome in giving me relief with winning the case. He is very professional, reliable, and very knowledgeable. Thank you so much to the Mendoza Law Office! I will always recommend you proudly to any family/friends in need!!
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TX 78666, United States