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Sex crimes are among the most serious offenses in the criminal justice system. Convictions for these offenses come with severe penalties, a long-lasting social stigma, and a lifetime of negative repercussions.
It is crucial to understand the different types of sex crimes in criminal defense cases, as well as what can be done to protect your rights, should you ever face such charges. To provide a clear understanding of this topic, let’s delve into the various types of sex offenses under the Texas Penal Code.
If you have been accused of any type of sex crime in the San Marcos area, speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Texas law refers to rape, non-consensual sexual intercourse, or contact with another person as sexual assault. This offense commonly involves penetration without consent, but it also encompasses a broad range of unwanted sexual touching or behaviors.
Aggravated assault applies to cases where the assailant used a weapon during the crime. It may also involve violence or a threat, the use of a date rape narcotic, or include a victim who is elderly, disabled, or under 14 years old.
This offense occurs when an adult engages in sexual intercourse with a minor who is below the age of consent. Typically, it involves consensual sexual activity between an adult and minor that would technically be legal if both parties were of age.
The age of consent in Texas is 17 years old. Therefore, having sex, as an adult (over 18 years old), with a person 16 years of age or younger is considered statutory rape.
Also known as “public indecency,” this crime involves intentionally exposing one’s genitals in public places where others may be offended or alarmed by the act.
Prostitution refers to the act of engaging in sexual activities in exchange for money. On the other hand, the solicitation includes knowingly offering or asking for sex in exchange for money or other goods. Both parties–the provider and the client–can be charged in such cases. Sex trafficking of minors may also fall under this category.
Voyeurism involves secretly observing another person’s private affairs, usually with sexual intent. This crime may include watching someone undress or engage in sexual acts without their consent or knowledge.
Recording or distributing explicit images of people without their permission falls under the invasion of privacy.
This crime involves engaging in any sexual act or inappropriate touching with children under a specified age (or 17 years old in Texas). Child molestation may encompass acts such as fondling or showing obscene material to a child. This is also called indecency with a minor.
This offense involves using children for sexual purposes, including creating or distributing child pornography, soliciting children for prostitution, or engaging minors in live-streamed explicit performances.
This charge is made when an adult kidnaps a minor using a weapon or threats to sexually violate them.
If a person engages in sexual intercourse or sexual contact with an animal, bird, or person in a public place or is reckless as to how another person may be offended, they are charged with this crime.
A person employed by a primary or secondary school who engages in sexual contact with a student is subject to this criminal charge.
This charge applies if a defendant discloses a video that reveals sexual acts or a person’s intimate parts without their consent.
Unlawful dissemination of intimate visual material applies to videos, photos, broadcasts, or recordings that are sexually invasive.
This charge is made when a person distributes or promotes obscene materials or takes part in an obscene performance.
Sex offenders may face years of prison time and be required, for the rest of their lives, to publicly register as sex offenders. Because Texas is tough on sex offenses, you’ll need to speak to a sex crimes defense lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.
In Texas, contact the Mendoza Law Firm to safeguard your reputation and future. Schedule a consultation today.
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512.757.8830608 S Guadalupe St #103, San Marcos,
TX 78666, United States